The power of personal story: Unlock your inner storyteller

People continue to be inexplicably drawn to creative storytelling in any language, anywhere in the world.

Personal stories are powerful. They are developed through a mix of life experiences and character and they create the lens through which we see the world. Our personal stories tell us what we can and cannot do. They represent our hopes and dreams. Listening to real stories can broaden our perspective and help us realise what we have in common.

In a series of 4 workshops, participants learn the ingredients of a strong personal story and get the basic tools to sharpen their story to present to others. The workshop series, tutored by Colette Victor, is followed by a story evening where everyone gets up to tell their story in front of a (small) audience. 

The course aims to:

  • Create a supportive space where people can listen and be heard.
    Provide tools for effective storytelling, including (basic) story art and tools to facilitate performance.
  • Develop critical speaking, listening and storytelling skills.

Story Evening: A community-focused, open-mic storytelling evening where anyone can share a 5-minute story on the theme of the night before an audience.


Donderdagavonden van 18u30 - 21u00


Georganiseerd door Wordcraft Collective

Docent Colette Victor

Duur Meerdere dagen

Start 14 sep. 2023 16:30

Einde 5 okt. 2023 19:00

Prijs € 20.00

Regio Brussel

Locatie Pianofabriek, Rue du Fort 35, 1060 Saint-Gilles, Brussel

Extra info Bezoek de website

Leeftijdscategorie 18+

Type Groepscursus

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