Craft Your Story

This 8-part fiction-writing course will not only develop your general writing skills but will explore in depth the potential of the short story genre.The course offers both new and experienced writers an extensive range of creative ideas and activities to help develop their craft.  Course tutor, Colette Victor, offers advice on mastering technique and developing personal style.  

The course introduces students to the steps involved in producing polished works of short fiction: generating ideas through writing exercises, improving work through redrafting, and refining work through copy-editing. Students will receive critical feedback on their own work and develop skills in critiquing the work of their peers.

Each session takes a look at one of the key aspects of the form, such as shape and structure, narrative perspective and characterisation and by the end of the program you should have completed a polished work of short fiction that can be submitted to a short story competition of your choice.


Donderdagavonden van 18u30 - 21u30


Georganiseerd door Wordcraft Collective

Docent Colette Victor

Duur Meerdere dagen

Start 12 okt 2023, 16:30

Einde 14 dec 2023, 20:30

Prijs € 330.00

Regio Brussel

Locatie GZ Elzenhof, Av. de la Couronne 12, 1050 Ixelles, Brussel

Extra info Bezoek de website

Leeftijdscategorie 18+

Type Groepscursus

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